Uzbekistan is the most populous country in the region with a population of 35.8 million and has high demand for wheat products. Uzbekistan produces about 6.6–7.6 million tons of wheat per year and imports about 3 million tons, mainly from Kazakhstan and Russia. In Uzbekistan, different varieties of wheat are grown, such as spring and winter wheat, the sowing and harvesting times of which are different. Uzbekistan also has some local wheat varieties, which are traditional varieties that have been grown by farmers for generations and adapted to local conditions.
The harvested wheat is purified, resulting in wheat seeds. Due to the dry subtropical climate of Surkhandarya, wheat ripens faster and produces high yields.
  • +998 95 515 16 13
  • info@zacluster.uz
  • Surkhandarya region, Angor district, Angor, A.Navoi, 10, Republic of Uzbekistan